Friday Hero of the Day: Abercrombie protest lady

1 Apr

This is what I’m talking about.

In general I think it’s useless to engage with stupid Abercrombie ploys to turn your 11-year-old “dresses older than she should” daughter into a gang-rape victim by marketing push-up bikinis to children because, guess what, they get lots of free publicity from these media outrage-a-thons. If you, like most people over the age of 16, find Abercrombie to be obnoxious and kind of 90s, feel free to refrain from contributing to their social relevance by not shopping there.

That said, I support and enjoy this lady’s righteous rage and her correctly-spelled (well, except the abbreviation of “thru” for “through” but okay) protest sign. PLUS she got a citation from the mall cops, who immediately felt bad about fining an elderly woman in a wheelchair for protesting pedophilia.

It’s Grandma vs. arrogant, handsome, shirtless corporate pedophiles! WHO WINS, AMERICA?



[LA Times]

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